Please make sure your images are clear and of a professional standard and are true representations of the artwork, because even great art, if photographed poorly, can look like bad art.

You want your artwork to look its best. We suggest that you don't use Instagram or iPhone type filters on your work as that can distort the colour and image. Standard recommendation for online images is 300dpi. Only submit your strongest work to keep the standard of your artwork high.


When it comes to pricing your work, be realistic. Take into account the cost of materials you have used, the time you spent creating the work and the cost of shipping your work. Research who is selling work similar to yours by going online or visiting galleries and compare your work to artists with a similar work and sales history to yours. If you are selling in other galleries, your prices must be consistent with your prices on Palette Galore.


1. Once your artwork is sold, you will receive an email notification of the intention to purchase.

2. When the payment has been confirmed you will receive another email confirming the details of the buyer so that you can proceed with arranging shipping your artwork. The more promptly you send your work the sooner the buyer can be enjoying your work.

3. Prepare your artwork for shipping so your art will arrive to your buyer safe and sound. If you are unsure how to best pack your artwork, YouTube has plenty of professional tutorials on packing artwork for shipping, and you can get advice from local companies like Pack n Send.

4. Consider adding a personal touch, such as a handwritten thank you note or postcard of your work to your buyer.

5. For shipping, you need to select a shipping company that best suits your needs. Some companies that we recommend are Fastway, Pack n Send, IAS Art Couriers and Couriers Please.

6. Please insure your work and request a signature on receipt of the work for your protection.

7. The artist must advise Palette Galore of the Tracking/Con Note Number, and confirmation of receipt by your customer, so that we know when your work has been delivered.

8. The 7 -day return period starts once an artwork is received by the new owner.

9. At the completion of the return period we process the artist payment and deposit into your account.

10. Share your Palette Galore page on your social media pages.

11. This will build your relationships and further validate your work.

12. Encourage your following/ friends to engage with your work they can visit your shop and "heart" the works they love. This provides the artist feedback and gives prospective buyers added confidence as they can see many other people also love your work.

13. For more information please read our Terms of Service

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